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All children should see a Specialist Orthodontist for an orthodontic assessment by 7 years of age.
Australian Society of Orthodontists, American Association of Orthodontists.

By the age of 7, the first adult molars have usually erupted, establishing the relationships of your child’s teeth or their “bite”. During this time we can evaluate front-to-back and side-to-side tooth relationships. For example, the presence of erupting incisors may indicate a possible overbite, openbite or crowding.

What type of treatment do younger children need?

Treatment in younger children is commonly referred to as interceptive or Phase 1 treatment and is undertaken prior to full braces. Treatment may range from regular supervision and guidance through to the use of fixed and removable appliances. These appliances may apply direct force to the teeth and the cranio-facial structure, or stimulate and redirect naturally occurring functional forces.


What are the benefits of early, interceptive treatment?

Reviewing your child’s at around 7 years of age allows us to detect orthodontic issues early and lay the groundwork for more effective orthodontic treatment later on. We have the opportunity to guide your child’s growth and development in the right direction which may prevent more serious orthodontic problems developing down the track.

The benefits of early, interceptive treatment for children can include:

  • Improving facial symmetry by influencing jaw growth
  • Creating space for crowded, erupting teeth
  • Reducing the risk of trauma to protruding front teeth
  • Maintaining space for unerupted teeth
  • Reducing the need for extracting teeth
  • Reducing treatment time in braces

Not all children will need early orthodontic treatment. In this case we will continue to review your child’s growth and development on a regular basis as part of our complimentary Orthodontic Supervision Program. We are then well placed to start orthodontic treatment at the best time for your child. We can also help your child develop good oral hygiene habits and understand the importance of looking after their teeth and smile.

Next steps

If you would like to know whether your child would benefit from early, interceptive treatment, please contact us to schedule a specialist orthodontic consultation with Dr Siva. Book a Consultation

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Othodontic Treatment Options

First Smiles

Suite 7, 38 Meadowvale Ave
South Perth, WA 6151
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Suite 4, 234 Berrigan Dr
Jandakot WA 6164
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Suite 9, 40 St Quentin Ave
Claremont WA 6010
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p. (08) 9367 9277

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